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대표자 인사말

We are deeply grateful to you for your continuous interest and encouragement which contributes to the development of Tae Sung Electronics Co., Ltd. Our company, the professional manufacturer of welders which has insisted only one way of yielding small precise resistance welder for the past 10 years, has been producing high quality welders with the continuous technical innovation and newly changed and creative will, based on our progressive slogan, “Leap to the Neo-Technology! Future with new products!“ We promise our clients that we will develop the technology and produce high quality products with more positive attitude, and contribute to the quality improvement of the products such as small precise projection welding area, electric and electronic parts, battery and halogen lamp of a car and so on, and contribute to localization of small precise resistance welder by accelerating more determined investment and development, and we expect the full and continuous encouragement, guidance and advice from our clients.

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